Wednesday, November 30, 2011

那些年 我们一起疯狂的事

为了assignment,星期六整个下午我都在k九把刀的那些年.故事还真的不错=)..晚上匆匆的从书香赶回来陪朋友看球,结果是场和球-.-好玩的是new castle vs man u.我们各自支持自己的那队.吵吵闹闹的..不错哦!之后不知谁的建议我们去喝酒了.他们拍胸口保证有Heineken tower,所以我去了-.-去到那,什么嘛!carlbergs-.- 又乱灌的..弄得我隔天又生酒膜-.-

喝到凌晨三四点,结果隔天一早又去书香帮忙了..忙了一整天,晚上又得回到朋友那去..赶assignment/.\ 十二点的钟声响起,生日快乐!接个电话,面子书就被朋友乱搞.他们还真是不浪费时间=.=又被朋友家的housmate那两个女生一边祝福一边敲头-.-唯一值得开心的是电话的信息铃声响个不停=) 做着做着就到天亮了,滚回家睡觉去.醒来时都中午两点了,自己跑去tropicana city mall补仓..顺便买了个鸡排当午餐.回到家又继续赶assignment..看韩剧到晚上去了.生日就这样过了.哈哈!真平凡=)

my design for our video assignment cover:D

Seriously I m waiting for ur wish..luckily i get is the most happy thing in my bday..tq:)


Friday, November 25, 2011

Is busy also an happiness?

This morning when we rushing to our design class this morning,we stopped by a reporter..O,O
And maybe u guys will see us appear in newspaper <china press>..~,~lol...
when we were in the school's lift=.= the lift was jammed!=.= just feel lucky we can
haha! we just realise that this coming week will be the busiest week! assignment and presentation in a same week../.\
29/11/11 business proposal presentation
30/11/11 social psychology presentation 
2/12/11   computing technology presentation + artwork journal deadline
3-4/12/11 work
5/12/11   family portrait + management presentation 

walao..busy till ...!@#$$%^&*(
sorry taeyeon..sorry snsd..i still consider wana go for your concert or not..:( money problemmmm really..where to get 1k?..sigh... but i promise i will go korea just for u!kim tae yeon!!wait me!!..
and is that anyone to tell me d story of 那些年?..i need it urgently for my storyline of assignment..sighD;
Today after class, without my permission my friend all squeeze into my car and went fahrenheit88 for topman we bought something here..and it is more systematic than PADINI lo!  PADINI! LEARN FROM THEM LA PLS!!=.=everyone can enjoys their shopping here lo! like u guys!ishhhhhh..stupid management!...
all going smooth we get a parking when we drove into car park. 
we just line up for few minutes when we were waiting to go into the fair.
and when we want to pay, the crowd which line up were just missing and we just st8 in
by the way,d luck come into the end when we were lost after missed the a super super big big round and traffic very very jam..><
taking when we were lost and in traffic
stopppppppppp here ba...i better start my assignment..will be busy this weekend for my brother book fair time for assignment anymore..fighting!

my exhibition work which pricing RM800 :)


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

No last minute work again please chai wee chen! self-potrait..D; disappointed...i seriously not good enough...haih~:( 
sad for few days..D;
Last minute work really not a good behaviour.D;
I promise will put more effort for my 2nd assignment- family potrait !
 Our first photo with our pretty lecturer ms danielle:)
 take 2
 take 3 

take again and again..O,O
Addicted to this korean drama started this morning..O,O
non-stop chasing now..omg!

Monday, November 14, 2011



Friday, November 11, 2011


最近烦恼很多啊..assignments 超烦的..做完一个又来一个..真是一个未做一个又来..反正就是烦..
昨天去了朋友家赶了整个晚上的self-potrait,好不容易用了七个小时做完了..看看时间已经凌晨三点多了..由于这里出了名的治安不好,kok sang义气的陪我走回家就顺便在我家过夜.等一下的九点就要上课了..结果我俩躺在床上聊起心来..一直到不小心看到天亮了才睡下去.结果一个小时后在不济的睡眠陪伴下去上课了..是累到不行啊..

下星期一又有另一个pratical要交,只动了点..还要准备星期一/二的psychology 考试..真的烦死了..笔记从来都没开过..读惨了..分配好时间了,只要能照着办一切还是行的..

上完课又糊里糊涂的陪朋友去做无聊的事..还真的不错远的setapak.=="一路是累到东倒西歪的,还好有《杀手》陪我度过~..走了蛮多的路..这里的公寓真的美到不行..最好是你们租了我还可以空闲时过来度假耗时间~..呵呵..最近大家都在烦搬家的事儿..当然也包括我/.\ 怎么说都在这房间待了十一个月,说要搬还真的有点舍不得..可是不搬的话明年上课真的很麻烦..搬的话吃饭photostat printing 都会很麻烦..还真的很矛盾..><真的不知道怎么办..烦死了..

又超支了==虽然花了不少在必须品上,也花了很多冤枉钱..><不到三十块的零用钱要待到下个星期五..当成减肥的一部分呗/.\ 饿不死的! 没有钱还真的很烦..girl generation的专辑到现在都还没来..不要晴天霹雳的告诉我我被骗了D;

要烦的事真的够多了..结果意外的又给我添了一件..借来的kon kon 出事了/.\ 大概说明下, 因为真在做com tech assignment 的摄影工作,结果借来了kon kon.就在kon kon在身边的第三个星期,由于早上拍摄的镜头颜色不对朋友们决定重拍.在上课的我不能待在kon kon身边,就把他交给朋友了..结果不想的事发生了.!kon kon意外的从桌上跌了下来..真的很对不起kon kon,更加对不起kon kon 的主人..D; 都是我的错:(  内疚,自责..难过到现在..唉~..如果不能claim under warrantly的话,我会全权负责的..一定会..对不起kon kon..对不起kon kon 的主人:(

sorry kon kon :(
continues to correct my assignment le..tazzzzzzz~:( haihhhh..

*Ps: 11/11/2011..What a special day happens in 100 years once..wish everything will be alright and world stay peace.....

opps ya!...Sandara park..My lovely pretty dara..happy birthday:) dara forever!!:D 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Streeessssssssssss ..

Streeeessssssssssssssssssssss arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...D;
First time i back melacca with unhappy mood../.\ saturday morning just came back..This is what i see in bus station -.-
Luckily i still able to get my bus ticket..sigh:(
After i reached melacca..This was first time i never hang out and keep stay at home..stresssssssssssssssssssD;
assignments...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....waste my 2 day 2 nite to do it..sigh....
midterm coming lagi....i never read before d notes
and self potrait..and drawing assignment..and psychology assignment..omg!
com tech assignment lagi..sigh..although tired,but i cant wait for our video:D..
i really hate d com tech lecture class in friday..haih...i want travel....i want workkkkkk...i want go snsd concertD;..
exhausted.../.\ but i must put this :) on my face...!!== walk ba walk sheng de road~haihhhh