Thursday, September 27, 2012

In fact.

In fact, he was emo since the first day of holiday.
In fact, he don't know what is happening.
In fact, he simply do quarrel with anyone.
In fact, he can smile but not from heart.
In fact, he is doing nothing.
In fact, he is lack of money.
In fact, he was failed in making his dream.
In fact, he hopes he can murmur to someone but no one.
In fact, he is waiting.
In fact, he is wasting time.
In fact, he don't left much times.
In fact, he is boycotting himself from the life.
In fact, he is finding job.
In fact, he is lack of confidence.
In fact, he miss someone.

Conclusion, he is no happy.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Wasted time.

Yeah!..exam finished!..Although only 1 day,it still make me suffer-.-
Tried my best..what I can do now is waitD;
Watched this..hmm...A not bad movie...give it 3 stars..Storyline like Insidious but weaker. But the actors did well especially the little girl.
Lastly went Connaught night market again since few years ago..
But it was just hard to stop me..haha!
food food food...!
Satisfied with full of stomach and purchased a book with low price..
The yellow shirt msbubble..x help eat..-.-
RM12..very cheap-.- unbeliavable...normally I saw cheapest price is RM19.
But now agony whether want to back Melaka or stay here..Wana work but can't get a suitable part time job..No work stay here is just waste time and money-.-...So stay or back?...any part time job to introduce?...D;..or sell drawing,sell design, sell craft?..

Next year trip postponed again...D; This time really wana consider carefully d, Korea or Taiwan..

P/S: Sometimes I very wonder who is my invisible follower..O,O haha:X

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Short period holiday.

爽快的,一个蛮久不见的朋友就突然请我吃了餐自由餐..Seoul Garden..真不敢相信,一个我应该近三年都没进过得店..中学的回忆都突然一拥而上,以前还真的蛮常在这里搞欢送会的。就这样,我竟然没发现她的生日就到了,还让她请吃。哈哈哈哈...真不好意思XD...

表妹们竟然会约我看电影,真不敢相信。离上次我们出去好像真的很久一下O,O..她们还真的行驾车到我家门口...哈哈哈哈..结果就看了场Residen Evil. 李冰冰好像还真的没多少镜头。结果就真的看了一场戏我们就回家了..真不像我们..赫赫


试做了土豆饼,卖相还真的有点差,            可是味道却不错唷o,O

短短的假期,明天又要回KL了..要准备考试了,我最差的一科D; 希望这一次不会让你所累...


还是对她的爱最深 ♥ :3
Have a good day ! :)

Saturday, September 8, 2012



现在过的都是没天没夜的日子, 如果你问我今天是星期几,我的答案是我不知道。想说现在是放假,结果后个星期还有一个考试。放假放得有压力,这都要感谢我的学校UTAR


       这一整年来我一直都想出国旅行,去个台湾或韩国,看看世界,做我爱做的事,去泰妍爸爸的眼睛店看一看,去见见台湾的朋友.可是就因为一个物品,让我只能在梦里天马行空。人家家的孩子去打工妈妈还生气不让,表面的理由是担心孩子半夜打完工回家危险,实际理由却是爸妈给的钱足够你用干嘛你还去打工....有时候不是说羡慕,是羡慕不来的。我家的老爸老妈多希望我暑假就快去做工赚点钱,让他们别那么负担。工钱拿到了,结果只有一半是自己的,有时候可能只拿到十分之一。是没问题的,只不过梦想无法实现而已,要知道这个时代的梦想是要用钱买的。 举个例子,见自己的偶像是个梦想,结果还是需要钱买的。2ne1 即将来大马开演唱会,要见偶像就得买票啊~..





Saturday, September 1, 2012

All Done!.

Finally, the suffer week had passed..really suffer..4 days slept 4 hours..nan guo dao...
but feel nice when saw my product la..hahaha...
but feel sad saw which is x done holidays for 2 weeks first!..after just come back for final:)
And i move to new house..haha...ape pun baik..just line abit slowD;..

First, 3D piano cube.. 100% handmade:) Piano that represent myself:)
Next, Stamp presentation pack..e..I chose panda as my theme..nice tak?..:D

And this..very nan de geh nyonya photobook..=.= really 千辛万苦 to finished thick face go in people like tourist, but after took photo straight come under sun waiting for ngam timing..walk thousand time in jonker lol...
Besides, it was a marker artwork..but too ugly, tak mau show better..hahahaha:O

Finally, i can have a deep sleep...this feeling are just awesome!XD 
P/s: 3q for the girl who help me write the essay..3q very much arhhh...